In situ hybridizationIn situ hybridization
Normal hybridization requires the isolation of dna or rna, separating it on a gel, blotting it onto nitrocellulose and probing it with a complementary sequence
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The Networked Communications Environment: the Case of Kosovo Laura Kyrke-Smith, polis, London School of EconomicsThe Networked Communications Environment: the Case of Kosovo Laura Kyrke-Smith, polis, London School of Economics
Serbian with only one half-hour Albanian news slot each day. The government banned the only daily newspaper in Albanian in 1990. Though a few private journals appeared later in the decade
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The Digital Future of NewspapersThe Digital Future of Newspapers
The aim of this survey was to obtain a snapshot of Australian public libraries’ activities and attitudes regarding
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Why Young Americans Are Driving So Much Less Than Their ParentsWhy Young Americans Are Driving So Much Less Than Their Parents
Unfortunately for car companies,” Jordan Weissmann noted at TheAtlantic com a couple weeks back, “today's teens and twenty-somethings don't seem all that interested in buying a set of wheels. They're not even particularly keen on driving.”
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Chapter 13 Customer Service and Support in Web Space Learning ObjectivesChapter 13 Customer Service and Support in Web Space Learning Objectives
Understand the role of customer service in creating sustainable competitive advantage
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Chapter 13: Customer Service and Support in Web Space multiple choiceChapter 13: Customer Service and Support in Web Space multiple choice
Market segments that are willing to spend more if customer service is good include
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Why is computer known as data processor?Why is computer known as data processor?
Computer is an electronic device that is capable of making computations and logic decisions at high speeds. It accepts data, stores data, process data according to a set of instructions, and also retrieve the data when required
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Fia confederation of african countries inFia confederation of african countries in
Minutes of the meeting of the fia conference of african countries in motorsport (cacms) held at kempinski hotel, dar es salaam, tanzania, on thursday, july 9TH, 2009
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Auto leasingAuto leasing
This mini-lesson includes learning objectives, background information, discussion questions, activities, checklists and sources of additional information
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Does Automotive Service Excellence (ase) Certification Enhance JobPerformance of Automotive Service Technicians?Does Automotive Service Excellence (ase) Certification Enhance JobPerformance of Automotive Service Technicians?
Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University inpartial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyinCareer and Technical EducationDepartment of Teaching and
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Discouraging DrivingDiscouraging Driving
Such a shift in modes must be part of broader changes in land-use planning to encourage transit-oriented development that promotes walkable access to local services and public transit
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Budgeting Basics for Young AdultsBudgeting Basics for Young Adults
Hopefully, by the time your graduation date is scheduled, you will have earned the right to walk across the stage and receive a diploma with the other sixty-six students in your class. What are your plans after high school? Here are a few
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Formatting a Works Cited Page DirectionsFormatting a Works Cited Page Directions
Directions: Key the works cited page below following the appropriate formatting rules. This is the fifth page of your report. Save as “Works Cited”
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Advanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles: An Assessment of Performance, Cost, and Availability draftAdvanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles: An Assessment of Performance, Cost, and Availability draft
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the State of California Air Resources Board
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Research Needs StatementResearch Needs Statement
Automobile parking and pedestrian safety: a search for a unifying frame of reference
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